Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

EXPO PLAST - Catalog Oficial 83 14 - 17/05/2024 EXPOZIŢIE DEDICATĂ INDUSTRIEI DE PRELUCRARE A MASELOR PLASTICE ROMCOLOR este parte a GLOBAL COLORS - un grup international de firme care produce coloranti si aditivi pentru industria maselor plastice. Grupul asigura solutii competitive si servicii personalizate avand facilitati de productie moderne in locatii strategice. Toate companiile grupului au acelasi nivel tehnologic, aceeasi gama de produse si impartasesc aceleasi standarde de calitate, resurse financiare si de dezvoltare. Romcolor is part of GLOBAL COLORS - an international Group serving the plastics industry with high quality color and additive masterbatches. It ensures competitive solutions and localized service with several modern production plants in strategic locations. All Group companies share the same technology, know-how, quality standards, economies of scale, financial resources, range of products, and new developments. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English ROMCOLOR 2000 Stand 102 Adresa: str. Salcamului nr 1, Copaceni, IF Tel: +40213166920 E-mail: Web: Contact ROMCOLOR; GLOBAL COLORS