Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 77 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA UniversitateaNationala de Stiinta si Tehnologie POLITEHNICA Bucuresti pregateste specialisti in diferite domenii tehnice, capabili de a utiliza cunostinte stiintifice, tehnice si cultural-umaniste valoroase, de a contribui la progresul tehnologic, economic si social-cultural al societatii romanesti si al lumii contemporane. Universitatea asigura realizarea unui invatamant de performanta, dezvoltat si perfectionat printr-o complexa activitate de cercetare, continuand traditia Scolii Politehnice bucurestene, conform exigentelor si cumijloacele oferite de societateamoderna informationala. Ea isi propune sa creeze noul profil de universitate tehnica, ce promoveaza forme de pregatire adaptate cerintelor unei societati in plina competitie, supusa procesului de integrare in Comunitatea Europeana si internationala. National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest trains specialists in different technical fields that are able to use valuable scientific, technical and cultural knowledge, to contribute to the technological, economic and social-cultural progress of the Romanian society and the contemporary world. The university ensures a performant education, developed and perfected through a complex research activity, continuing the tradition of the Polytechnic School of Bucharest, according to the exigencies and the means offered by the modern information society. It aims to create a new technical university profile, which promotes forms of training adapted to the requirements of a competing society, subject to the integration process in the European and international community. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English POLITEHNICA BUCURESTI - UNIVERSITATEA NATIONALA DE STIINTA SI TEHNOLOGIE Stand 24 Adresa: Splaiul Independentei nr. 313 Tel: 0213171001 E-mail: Web: Contact POLITEHNICA BUCURESTI