Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 75 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA Poliol SRL – Divizia de utilaje şi solutii pt. ambalaje Firma noastra are un capital 100 %maghiar, si o vasta experienta de 30 ani in industria ambalajelor de plastic. Activitatea noastra de baza consta in productia de utilaje de suflat PET – uri si de asemenea fabricarea formelor si amatritelor necesare realizarii flacoanelor si productia de flacoane. Pt. o functionare mai eficienta si mai transparenta, ca sa ramanem tot timpul competitivi, produselor noastre sa fie intr-o continua dezvoltare si pt. ca tinta noastra este ca partenerii nostrii sa fie tot timpul multumiti am implementat Sistemul de Management al calitatii ISO 9001 din anul 2015. In proiectarea si fabricarea masinilor noastre pt. suflat Pet – uri este prioritar ca sa oferim utilaje care sa satisfaca toate nevoile clientilor nostri. Structura robusta a utilajelor, matrita formelor ce asigura o precizie sigura, sistemul de verificare a ovalitatii preformelor, sistemul rapid pt. preschimbarea matritelor, sistemul de reutilizare a aerului sunt cateva inovatii ce asigura partenerilor nostri un confort, productivitate, cat si reducerea costurilor. Luand in considerare ca societatea noastra are in spate mai multe decenii in industria productiei de PET -uri, va asiguram o echipa cu o pregatire inalta in instalarea si mentenantamasinilor, tot odata prin echipa de proiectare si productia matritelor va asiguram un suport continuu post vanzare. Asteptam sa ne contactati, Echipa Poliol Poliol SRL – Equipment and solutions division for PACKING Our company has 100% Hungarian capital, and a vast experience of 30 years in the plastic packaging industry. Our basic activity consists in the production of PET blowing machines and also the manufacture of the shapes and molds necessary for the production of bottles and the production of bottles. For a more efficient and transparent operation, so that we always remain competitive, our products are in continuous development and for as our goal is for our partners to be satisfied all the time, we have implemented the ISO 9001 Quality Management System since 2015. In the design and manufacture of our machines for blown Pet - uri is a priority to offer machines that satisfy all the needs of our customers. The robust structure of themachines, themold of the forms that ensures a safe precision, the system for checking the ovality of the preforms, the fast system for changing the molds, the air reuse system are some innovations that ensure our partners comfort, productivity, and cost reduction. Considering that our company has several decades behind it in the PET production industry, we provide you with a team with a high level of training in the installation and maintenance of the machines, at the same time, through the design team and the production of molds, we provide you with continuous post-sale support . We are waiting for you to contact us, Polyol team Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English POLIOL Stand 54A Adresa: Lakitelek, Tiszakecskei ut, Nr.3, Ungaria Tel: +36 76 448 544 E-mail: Web: Contact