Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 71 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA PalletBiz Romania face parte din grupul international PalletBiz, un important jucator pe piata ambalajelor din lemn si metal, cu centre de productie si distributie pe 3 continente si in continua expansiune. PalletBiz Romania are o experienta de peste 20 de ani in productia de ambalaje din lemn, avand doua centre de productie in centrul tarii, in jud. Covasna din 2003 (cel mai mare producator de paleti EPAL din Romania, acreditat fitosanitar ISPM15 si certificat ISO 9001:2008 si 14001:2005) si, cel de-al doilea in Parcul Industrial Prejmer, inaugurat la inceputul anului 2024 Printre principalele ambalaje pe care le producem puteti regasi, paleti licentiati EPAL, paleti non euro, cutii din lemn, placaj sau OSB, rame pliabile din lemn, ambalaje speciale s.a. PalletBiz Romania is part of the international PalletBiz group, an important player on the wooden andmetal packaging market, with production and distribution centers on 3 continents and in continuous expansion. PalletBiz Romania has over 20 years of experience in the production of wooden packaging, having two production centers in the center of the country, in Covasna county since 2003 (the largest producer of EPAL pallets in Romania, ISPM15 phytosanitary accredited and ISO 9001 certified :2008 and 14001:2005) and the second one in the Prejmer Industrial Park, inaugurated at the beginning of 2024 Among themain packaging we produce, you can find EPAL licensed pallets, non-euro pallets, wooden boxes, plywood or OSB, folding wooden frames, special packaging, etc. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English PALLETBIZ Stand 11 Adresa: STR. PARIS 52, JUD BRASOV, SAT PREJMER Tel: +40728137575 E-mail: SALES@RO.PALLETBIZ.COM Web: WWW.PALLETBIZ.RO Contact