Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 61 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA LC Packaging este o afacere de familie care activeaza in industria ambalajelor de patru generatii.Strabunicul actualului CEO Lucas Lammers a infiintat compania in 1923, singurele activitati ale companiei fiind atunci cumpararea, reconditionarea si distributia sacilor de iuta. De-a lungul anilor, gama noastra de servicii si cunostinte s-a extins considerabil, iar astazi suntem specializati in solutii de ambalare flexibile, de inalta calitate, pentru transportul sigur si fiabil al marfurilor dvs. vrac (uscate) din aproape orice industrie. Produsele noastre: Saci big bag, Ambalaje din carton, Saci din plasa, Saci de iuta, Saci rafie (Saci mici de polipropilena), Tesaturi tehnice LC Packaging is a family owned company that has been active in the packaging industry for four generations. CEO Lucas Lammers’ great grandfather started the company in 1923, when its sole activities were the purchase, reconditioning and distribution of (second hand) jute bags. Over the years, our range of services and knowledge have expanded considerably and today, we specialise in high quality flexible packaging solutions for the safe, reliable and protective transportation of your valuable (dry) bulk goods. Our products: Big bags (FIBC), Cardboard packaging, Net bags, Jute bags, PP bags, Technical textiles Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English LC PACKAGING COVROM Stand 62 Adresa: Lunca Oltului nr 45, Sfantu Gheorghe Tel: 0374011838 E-mail: Web: Contact