Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 53 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA GVPACK oferta solutii de ambalaje termoformate pentru variate industrii si aplicatii, de la alimente si bunuri de larg consum, la aplicatii medicale si industriale. Oferim ambalaje termoformate din plastic, de inalta calitate si perfect adaptate nevoilor specifice ale clientilor nostri. Stim cat de importanta este imaginea si modul in care produsele sunt prezentate publicului si de aceea in afara de gama noastra standard, putem proiecta si executa ambalaje 100% pesonalizate, care sa confere elementul distinctiv, de unicitate, produselor dumneavoastra. Cu o vasta experienta in domeniul termoformarii, echipa noastra de experti este pregatita sa raspunda prompt tuturor solicitarilor. Pornind de la ideea ambalajului dorit, realizam in timp record designul si prototipul acestuia, punandu-va la dispozitie mostre pentru testarea si confirmarea utilitatii acestuia. Venim in intampinarea clientilor nostri cu solutii inovative de ambalare precum containere rezistente la scurgeri, containere cu sigiliu, containere cu alveole pentru a retine excesul de lichid. Oferim optimizari de design pentru a asigura un raport cat mai bun intre rezistenta ambalajului si greutatea acestuia sau adaptarea lui pentru liniile automate de ambalare sau sigilare. Idei puse in practica prin GVPack Solutions. GVPACK offers thermoformed packaging solutions for various industries and applications, from food and consumer goods to medical and industrial use. We offer thermoformed plastic packaging, of high quality and perfectly adapted to the specific needs of our customers. We know how important image is and the way which the products are presented to the public, and that’s why apart from our standard range, we can design and execute personalized packaging, which will give your products the distinctive element of uniqueness. With high experience in thermoforming, our team of experts is ready to respond promptly to all requests. Starting from the idea of the desired packaging, we create the product design and prototypes, providing the samples needed for testing and utility check. We welcome our customers with innovative packaging solutions such as leak-proof containers, containers with seals, containers with botoom cells excess liquid retention. We offer design optimizations to ensure the best possible ratio between the strength of the packaging and its weight or adaptation for automatic packaging or sealing lines. Ideas put into practice by GVPack Solutions. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English GRAVOLAB CNC Stand 88 Adresa: VALEA BARBUSII 1A Tel: 0721251561 E-mail: Web: Contact GV-PACK COMPLETE PACKAGING SOLUTION