Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

EXPO PLAST - Catalog Oficial 23 14 - 17/05/2024 EXPOZIŢIE DEDICATĂ INDUSTRIEI DE PRELUCRARE A MASELOR PLASTICE ASPAPLAST - Asociatia Patronala a Prelucratorilor de Mase Plastice din Romania ( are strategie promovarea intereselor comune, economice, tehnice, juridice si sociale de grup ale membrilor sai, precum si sustinerea respectiv protejarea acestora in raport cu structurile de profil nationale si internationale. ASPAPLAST urmarește dezvoltarea bazei de date si a informarii cu tinte bine definite. Se au în vedere urmatoarele: 1. dezvoltarea retelei de parteneri nationali și internationali; 2. participarea membrilor Asociatiei la proiecte comune reciproc avantajoase; 3. colaborarea cu alte asociatii de profil; 4. implicarea in elaborarea unei legislatii coerente în sectorul de mase plastice. Colaborarile la nivel european in cadrul PlasticsEurope - Mediteranean Cluster ( ), European Plastics Converter ( , Comisia Europeană ( si cu reprezentante de profil internationale deschid de asemenea noi oportunitati de afaceri. ASPAPLAST are parteneriate cu Universitatea Nationala de Stiinta si Tehnologie POLITEHNICA București ( ; Asociatia Constructorilor de Automobile din Romania - ACAROM ( ; Asociatia Companiilor Chimice din Romania - ROMCHIMICA ( . ASPAPLAST - The Romanian Plastics Processors Employers`Association ( ) has a strategy to promote the common interests, economic, technical, legal and social interests of its group, and to support their protection in relation to the national and international profile structures. ASPAPLAST aims to develop the database and information with well-defined targets. The following aspects are considered: 1. development of the network of national and international partners; 2. the participation of the members of the Association in mutually beneficial joint projects; 3. collaboration with other profile associations; 4. involvement in the development of coherent legislation in the plastics sector. Collaborations at European level within PlasticsEurope - Mediterranean Cluster ( ), European Plastics Converter (www.plasticsconverters. eu), the European Commission ( ) and with international profile representations also open new business opportunities. ASPAPLAST has partnerships with the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest (www. ; Association of Automobile Manufacturers from Romania - ACAROM ( ; Association of Chemical Companies fromRomania - ROMCHIMICA (www. ) Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English ASPAPLAST – ASOCIAŢIA PATRONALĂ A PRELUCRĂTORILOR DE MASE PLASTICE DIN ROMÂNIA Stand 24 Adresa: Splaiul Independentei 313, București, 060042, ROMÂNIA; Tel: 004-0752.180.663 E-mail: Web: Contact PRELUCRĂTORI DE MASE PLASTICE DIN ROMÂNIA