Pack Show & Expo Plast 2024

PACK SHOW - Catalog Oficial 14 14 - 17/05/2024 SINGURA EXPOZIŢIE DE PACKAGING DIN ROMÂNIA Suntem o intreprindere familiala, cu o experienta in domeniul ambalajelor de lux de 30 ani. Oferim pe piata locala si europeana produse de cea mai inalta calitate si tehnicitate: cutii din carton rigid, microondulat caserat si carton suplu precum si diferite combinatii de materiale. Toate produsele se vor executa la comanda fiind innobilate cu diferite tehnici precum: imprimare folio aur, emboss, glitter, spot UV etc. Productia se executa integral in Brasov si poate fi livrata in toata Europa. O parte a domeniilor pentru care lucram sunt: industria cosmetica, moda si accesorii, bijuterii, publicitate, papetarie, bauturi etc. We are a family business, with 30 years of experience in the field of luxury packaging. We offer on the local and European market products of the highest quality and technicality: boxes made of rigid cardboard, boxed micro-corrugated and soft cardboard as well as different combinations of materials. All products will be made to order, being ennobled with different techniques such as: gold foil printing, emboss, glitter, spot UV, etc. Production is carried out entirely in Brasov and can be delivered all over Europe. Some of the fields we work for are: the cosmetics industry, fashion and accessories, jewelry, advertising, stationery, drinks, etc. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English AMBA C. PRODUCT Stand 37 Adresa: STR ZIZINULUI 109BIS, 500407, BRASOV, ROMANIA Tel: 0722701312 E-mail: Web: Contact AMBA C. PRODUCT SRL